There is nothing like warm weather, roaring engines and the delicious waft of fish, chips and beer to draw even the most reclusive bike enthusiast from their workshop… Poole Bike Night never fails to disappoint on any of these promises.
As thousands of like minded people joined together to share their common passion, the Wicked Coatings team was delighted to be on the Quay Side with a number of visual treats for the crowd!
Having discovered that a Kawasaki that was custom painted by us had been awarded “Bike of the Night” from the previous week, we were in top spirits and keen to share more of our work…
The most popular exhibit proved to be a Triumph Street Rocket that had undergone an extensive dip and paint customisation. We are exceptionally proud of this bike and have captured its transformation in a series of photographs.
We received some incredible feedback as this formidable bike attracted a huge amount of attention on the Quay side. It will also be on show at the Southern Motor Show on 15th, 16th and 17th August 2014 so be sure to pay the Wicked stand a visit if you missed us at Poole Bike Night.
Also on show was a special Suzuki Hayabusa and a variety of other products to demonstrate the versatility of our water transfer printing service.
We had several hundred visitors to the Wicked Coatings stand and spent a lot of time with potential customers to explain the Hydrographics process and the beauty of what it can achieve, especially when coupled with custom painting…
All in all, it was a fantastic night – many thanks to those who took the time to visit us and give such positive feedback about our services. It’s always great to meet our customers and hear about the projects that you have completed and those you are planning for the future!