I really need to put in writing my sincere appreciation for what you have done for me.
I would like to thank you for your excellent customer service and most of all, your understanding on how important it was for me to get my cover back in time to attend Japfest. I know the cover was sent to you a bit later than would have been ideal for you, but you guys were still able to get the job done for me in time. I can’t praise you enough for helping me out.
I have to say the rocker cover looked bloody fantastic and when the sun caught it, made it look like 3d holograms absolutely stunning – fairplay to Wicked Coatings!
I’m sure it was that which helped my car become the winner of the Japfest 2013 power and style award, so again I thank you.
I like the design so much that I now wish to remove my clear cambelt cover and replace with the standard cover only this time dipped again with Reaper and that lovely blue to match the rocker cover. It’s going to be part of my new engine build so should look awesome when it’s all done. Again thanks for the excellent service you have provided for my show winning car!
I can’t recommend Wicked Coatings enough, and will do on the forums I visit and clubs I am a member of.
Nick Phillips