We are very proud of the work that we do here at Wicked Coatings and it’s great to hear all the positive things that people are saying on our testimonials page.
The latest feedback from Steve commending our helicopter instrument panel is absolutely fantastic and it is so good that we can see the finished product in situ. The fact that a well-known celebrity also saw it and expressed how impressed they were is just about as good as it gets.
We were also delighted to see the success that so many of you had at the JapFest this year, two first prizes no less! Thanks for sharing this news with us and also for the great pictures of your custom sprayed and carbon dipped parts on show at this great event.
We would love to hear more about your successes at Festivals this year especially if anyone is going to the Ultimate Streetcar Festival at the Santa Pod Raceway in August. Always a good old blast up the M1!
How to become our “Customer of the Month!”
Since our customers love to talk about the things that they have had dipped at Wicked Coatings, and we really enjoy hearing the positive feedback from friends and family, we have decided to run a ‘Customer of the Month’ feature each month.
To become ‘Customer of the Month’ all you need to do is leave a few brief details on our Facebook or Google+ page about the particular carbon dipping or custom spraying project you would like us to showcase for you . It can be anything from a carbon dipped part that you are particularly proud of to a full scale project which Wicked Coatings played a part in.
We will also be looking through the testimonials that are sent in each month and taking these into consideration as nominees for the grand honour of “Wicked Coatings Customer of the Month!”
What this will mean for you!
At the beginning of each month, starting in September 2013, we will select our “Customer of the month” and be in touch to get photos, positive comments and details of any competitions or awards you might have won.
Following this, we will publish a full write up about you and your hydrographics project on our site blog as well as on our social platforms such as Facebook and Google+.
To cap it all off, we will be choosing our favourite of the year in December and one lucky customer will receive a nice £50 Christmas Bonus in the form of Wicked Coatings vouchers!
So do you have something to shout about? Are you particularly proud of your car, bike or gun? Well get in touch now with a testimonial or via Facebook or Google+ now and let us spread the word for you! You may even bag yourself a tidy £50 in time for some Christmas customisation courtesy of Wicked Coatings.
Good luck!